Do you truly Know Yourself?
Jul 26, 2024
Do you truly Know Yourself? And how to Grow Yourself?
Know Yourself to Grow Yourself isn’t about finding a quick fix. It’s about understanding that life’s journey, with all its bumps and vistas, actually holds the key to our personal growth. Yet we have to be willing to do the work, to unlock what will genuinely help us thrive.
If you are not sure where to start, here are some simple steps:
Step 1: Understand Your Small Self and Best Self
Within you live two distinct personas: your Small Self and your Best Self. The Small Self is fear-driven, arising from past traumas and insecurities. It’s the part of you that holds back. Conversely, your Best Self is growth-driven, thriving on curiosity, learning, and excitement. Both of these parts coexist & knowing them well is how you’ll grow into the person you’re meant to be.
2. Map Your Life Timeline
Laying your life out visually can be incredibly revealing. Take a large sheet of paper and draw a line down the middle. Above the line, jot down your high points—those moments of joy, accomplishment, and love. Below the line, note your challenges, those tough times that pushed you to your limits.
Within the intersection of these highs and lows, your true self begins to emerge. Not only can you gain insight into recurring patterns, but you’ll also notice what is holding you back from new growth.
Step 3: Recognize Patterns and Triggers
As you plot your timeline, pay close attention to patterns. Are there recurring themes or triggers? Knowing your triggers allows you to develop strategies to overcome them, fostering resilience and paving the way for your Best Self to take the lead .
Step 4: Craft Your Life Vision
With this newfound understanding, you’re ready to create your Life Vision. This isn’t a rigid five-year plan but rather a fluid, adaptable vision that resonates with your heart, head, and gut. It’s about what truly matters to you.
Start by asking yourself: What do I truly want? What are my core values? How do I want to feel every day? What legacy do I hope to leave behind?
Step 5: Overcome Self Doubt, to Create a Future You Want
Now that you have a clear understanding of who you are and what you want, you can take actionable steps toward becoming your Best Self. When we acknowledge and friend our Small Self, we find the courage & compassion to commit. Remember, courage is not the absence of fear, but the ability to act through fear.
Step 6: Embrace the Journey
So here we are at the beginning of your deeper journey into self-discovery. Know yourself to grow yourself. Your map—is written in your life experiences. It's within your subconscious. Your decisions. The courage to make it happen.
The steps look easy, but doing this is difficult. If you want some help, then find out about my upcoming "Uncomfortable Growth" program. Free info sessions available.
Imagine what you have to gain?