Strange but true story….
May 16, 2024
Strange but true story….
The principal of my daughters school was MY English teacher at high school.
We were both close to 40 years younger.
We are the same people - but also evolved by time: experiences, decisions and choices
It’s a strange dynamic meeting up again so many years later. Especially when I have such vivid memories of school musicals, creative writing by candlelight and dramatic texts (English was always my favourite subject).
Today I am sitting outside of his office - waiting for my daughter to finish an assessment task. It just so happens, that the room she has been allocated - is next to his office. And it doesn’t make sense for me to go home and come back. I also have a work deadline!
So here I am - sitting outside of The Principals Office on my laptop! (At least not in trouble this time).
You never know who you are going to run into again, and in what context. Sometimes it is by design. Sometimes it’s the randomness of life.
It’s like playing real life Snakes and Ladders. A ladder takes you on a new path. A snake brings you back. And we start the journey all over again.
Where have you ended up that you never expected?